Vote for your favourite LIFE green city project!
Pick your favourite green city project and meet its pioneers at EU Green Week 2018. The European Commission has shortlisted 6 finalists among 62 best LIFE projects. The votes will be collected votes until 25 April to choose this years People's Choice Award:
- Clean Air: A breath of fresh air
- PERHT: Green mobility hubs in historic towns
- Housing Landscapes: Making social housing climate-proof
- AIRUSE: Cleaner air for Southern European cities
- URBANCOWS: A perfect balance between urban beaches, lagoons and cows
- EKO-LIFE: Green up your life by eating and moving differently
The winner will be announced alongside this year’s laureates for nature conservation, environmental technologies and climate action at the LIFE Awards Ceremony on 23 May in Brussels, Belgium.
Register online to join in person and find out more about other EU Green Week events.