September 2020 - LIFE-IP AdaptInGR
Α) Identity of the project
Title/ N° |
Boosting the implementation of adaptation policy across Greece
LIFE-IP AdaptInGR - LIFE17 IPC/GR/000006
Duration |
From 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2026 |
Budget |
Total project budget: 14.189.548 € |
Beneficiaries |
Coordinator: Beneficiaries:
Location of activities |
Τhe project is implemented nationwide. Emphasis is given to the following project pilot areas: |
Website | |
Contact |
Project Coordinator: Address: 147 Patission Str., 112 51, Athens, Greece |
The project aims to boost the implementation of the Greek National Adaptation Strategy and of the Regional Adaptation Action Plans and to prepare the way for their revision after 2026, with appropriate actions at a national, regional and local level.
Β) Best Practices
In the framework of the project several dissemination and awareness raising activities targeting the general public and the main adaptation stakeholders, are foreseen. Indicative actions include:
- Creation of a national information hub for adaptation to climate change. The hub will provide tools and resources regarding the adaptation of all climate vulnerable sectors and will be the main focal point for sharing adaptation information at the national level.
- Development of educational/training material and organisation of educational/training activities to integrate adaptation in primary and secondary education curricula.
- Activities to raise public and stakeholder awareness of climate adaptation at the regional level.
For the replication and transfer of the project results, the project will benefit from the established links and communication channels, particularly with regard to the local governance networks of UGR and KEDE and the existing trilateral agreements with other Eastern Mediterranean countries. Transfer and replicability of results at national level is given a priority. At least 4 Regions and 10 Municipalities will be able to closely follow the development of the pilot demonstrative projects, while the development of synergies with the private and public sectors will be pursued. In addition, the elaboration of guidelines for adapting Regions and Municipalities to climate change are foreseen.
In the framework of the LIFE-IP AdaptInGR project, the following good practices (inter alia) are expected to emerge:
- Creation of an open geospatial database of climate projections, to support public authorities and stakeholders in assessing the impacts of climate change in their areas of competence.
- Creation of an integrated national framework for monitoring, evaluating and updating adaptation actions and policies.
- Preparation of pilot studies and implementation of demonstration projects to integrate climate change risk management into sectoral planning (i.e. flood planning, coastal zone management, forest fire prevention, water resources management, urban planning and urban renewal).
- Development of a methodology for the adaptation of landscape and cultural heritage to climate change.
- Analysis of the synergies between mitigation and adaptation policies in climate change and integration of these synergies into climate change planning.
C) Results
The main project results are expected to be the following:
- Acceleration of the implementation of National Adaptation Strategy and the Regional Adaptation Action Plans.
- Increased resilience to climate change of 3 (three) Greek regions and 5 (five) Greek Municipalities participating the project.
- Enhanced public and stakeholder awareness on climate adaptation.
- Increased knowledge and experience-sharing on adaptation.
- Effective use of European adaptation funds.
The project outcomes could be used by the central and regional authorities, the private sector, NGOs, the broader public sector and the general public. The project results will be available through the national information hub for adaptation to climate change, the LIFE-IP AdaptInGR project web-site and the Ministry of Environment & Energy (i.e. Climate Change Department, Climate Change & Air Quality Directorate).
The integrated national framework for monitoring, evaluating and updating the climate change adaptation actions and policies and the national information hub for adaptation to climate change are expected to be completed in the near future. Moreover, the climate change adaptation pilot studies and demonstration projects in the 3 (three) Regions and 5 (five) Municipalities that participate in the project, as well as the stakeholder education and awareness raising activities in the 13 (thirteen) Greek Regions are also expected to initiate soon.